- Your Troubles Are Moderate: If you have severe astigmatism, LASIK may not be for you.
- Your Prescription Is Stable: Check to ensure this hasn’t changed over a two year span.
- You Know it Won’t be Perfect: Even after LASIK, you may still have to wear glasses in certain situations
- Your Activities do not Include Blows to the Face: MMA fighters need not apply.
- You Don’t Have Dry Eye: While dry eye syndrome doesn’t necessarily rule you out as a LASIK candidate, Dr. Walton may need to treat the condition before you move forward with your procedure.
- You Don’t Have Blepharitis: Blepharitis can lead to infection and other complications.
- Your Eye Problems are Not Severe: You have no ulcers, glaucoma or other serious issues.
- You Have Money to Pay for It: Most insurance premiums do not cover LASIK and you may have to pay out of pocket.
- You Don’t Have Pre-Existing Illnesses: Illnesses like diabetes and HIV can complicate and prolong recovery.
- Your Pupils Are Normal Size: Larger pupils can make the surgery more difficult
- You Are Not Breastfeeding or Pregnant: You will need to wait until you are done breastfeeding in order to move forward with your procedure.
- You’re Over 18: LASIK is not FDA-approved for individuals under the age of 18.
Please contact Dr. Chris Walton using the form on this page or call 251-341-3385 today to schedule your free LASIK consultation. We serve patients in Pensacola, Florida, Mobile, Alabama and throughout the Gulf Coast region.