Other Ophthalmology Services in Mobile, AL

Ophthalmology Services in Mobile AL

While Dr. Walton's practice focuses primarily on LASIK and cataract surgery, we are a full service practice that addresses just about any eye care need you may have. Dr. Walton is highly experienced treating a wide range of eye conditions, and he has the training to provide you with the exceptional care you deserve.

Please call 251-341-3385 today to schedule an appointment at our office in Mobile, Alabama.

We Offer

Dr. Walton offers a wide range of ophthalmology services, including:

  • Corneal transplant surgery
  • Deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty (DLEK)
  • Pterygium removal surgery
  • Glaucoma treatment
  • Diabetic retinopathy treatment
  • Macular degeneration treatment
  • Retinal detachment
  • Dry eye syndrome treatment
  • Keratoconus treatment

Extensive Post-Graduate Training

Dr. Walton regularly participates in continuing education training in order to stay current on the most advanced techniques in the field of ophthalmology. This ensures you will receive the best possible treatment for your condition. Dr. Walton's training and certification includes:

  • Board certified in corneal transplant surgery (he is the only eye surgeon on the Gulf Coast to use the "no-touch" corneal transplant surgery technique)
  • One of only three surgeons on the Gulf Coast to perform DSAEK and DALK (two types of partial-thickness corneal transplants)
  • Certified in pterygium removal surgery
  • Accredited in laser surface reconstruction for corneal scarring
  • Board certified in medical treatment of corneal and external disease

Please contact Dr. Chris Walton today to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Mobile, Alabama, Pensacola, Florida, and the nearby Gulf Coast area.

Request an Appointment

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Our Office

Office Hours

Monday: 7:45AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday: 7:45AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday: 7:45AM - 5:00PM
Thursday: 7:45AM - 5:00PM
Friday: 7:45AM - 5:00PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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