If you have made the decision to go ahead with laser eye surgery in the Mobile area, it can be difficult to know how to find the best eye surgeon for you. LASIK is a popular vision correction technique, but it is not right for every person. The right laser eye surgeon will take the time to discuss all of your concerns during a consultation, and will be able to recommend alternatives if you are not a good candidate for LASIK.
There are many factors to consider during the consultation with a laser eye surgeon. Your comfort with the surgeon is a high priority, especially when it comes to answering all of your questions about the procedure. Here are some topics you may want to discuss:
- What type of laser technology is used?
- How experienced is the surgeon?
- What are the rates of 20/20 success?
- What are the rates of enhancements?
- How are enhancements handled?
- What certifications and accreditations does the laser eye surgeon hold?
- Can he provide referrals from other patients?
- If LASIK is not right for you, what other treatments are offered?
Dr. Chris Walton has performed thousands of LASIK procedures for patients in the Mobile area. He uses the most advanced technology available, including the Allegretto Wave laser, which provides a truly customized procedure. Dr. Walton has an impeccable success rate – 100% of his patients have achieved 20/20 vision or better using the Allegretto Wave laser.
To learn more about what to expect from LASIK surgery, please contact Dr. Chris Walton using the form on the right side of the page or call 251-341-3385 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Mobile, Alabama, Pensacola, Florida, and throughout the Gulf Coast region.