Before the surgery starts, Dr. Walton will place drops in your eye. The drops are a localized anesthesia that will numb your eyes for the procedure.
Then there will be an instrument which holds your eyelids open for your surgery. Unfortunately, those eye drops won’t work on your eyelids so you may feel some mild discomfort from your eyelids being held open.
The first step in the surgery is creating a flap. During this stage Dr. Walton will use a suction device. Some patients report an awkward feeling from the pressure of this device. The pressure from that suction device is the most commonly reported discomfort during LASIK.
Following your surgery, it is common for your eyes to have a burning sensation, feel itchy, and to tear or cry like you have something in it. These discomforts are normal, and it is important not to rub your eyes when experiencing these sensations since you need to give your eyes time to heal.
During your recovery, you may feel mild pain. Dr. Walton will suggest mild pain reliever if you need it. During this time your eyes will also be sensitive to light, you should allow a couple days for this to subside before returning to normal activities like work.
If you’re in the Mobile, Alabama area and would like to find out if you’re a LASIK candidate, please contact Dr. Christopher J. Walton at 251-341-3385 today to schedule your free consultation.