Mobile LASIK and Cataract Surgery Blog

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The LASIK Recovery

After LASIK surgery, you should be feeling back to normal the next morning. Most people have no problem returning to work the next day. You will need to take some time off from certain activities like swimming and contact sports in order to protect your healing eyes. Your eyes may feel dry for several weeks.

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Choosing a Mobile Alabama LASIK Surgeon

You deserve clear vision the moment you wake up in the morning. With LASIK surgery, such vision is possible. Dr. Chris Walton is passionate about achieving great vision results for his patients. Dr. Walton’s patients have the option of Allegretto Wave laser technology. One-hundred percent of Dr. Walton’s patients who have chosen Allegretto have achieved

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LASIK Myth vs. Fact

Part of the LASIK process involves gathering information about the procedure so that you can make an informed decision. To make information-gathering a little more fun, we’ve prepared this LASIK Myth vs. Fact quiz! Please complete the quiz to test your knowledge about this procedure. Unfortunately, there is a lot of fiction out there when

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What is Your Experience Performing Cataract Surgery?

Dr. Chris Walton has over a decade of experience performing cataract surgery. At this point in his career, he has performed somewhere between 4,000-5,000 procedures. Cataract surgery restores vision blurred by the formation of cataracts, which are highly common among adults in the U.S. The deteriorated lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens. The

What is Your Experience Performing Cataract Surgery? Read More »

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